Posts tagged Cookies
Low Sugar Energy Cookies

How to Make High Energy, Low Sugar Cookies: Perfect for packing in a lunch

I don't know about you, but now, only a month into the school year, I've completely lost all the steam I had the first couple weeks of school trying to make healthy, unique lunches everyday.  I started out the school year like super mom baking cookies and crackers and creating school lunch bento box works of art and now I'm like; here's some cheddar bunnies, a box of raisins and some apple slices, lunch is served...

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Double Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe // Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Caffeine Free

These cookies may look healthy, but they taste oh so sinful.  They are plenty sweet with the coconut sugar and maple sugar and the chocolate taste is perfection.  My husband is a major carob cynic and he could not believe how good they tasted.  When cooking gluten free, it is really important to add something to the flours to help with the binding process.  Gluten does all of the binding in wheat flour baking.  I added xanthan gum to help bind these cookies, but if you can't find it or don't want to make an extra trip to the store, you can use corn starch instead.  You should be able to find all of the ingredients I've listed at health food store or Whole Foods.  If you don't live near a good health food store you can also order all of the harder to find ingredients online.

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Painted Gingerbread Cookies, Fun to do with Kids

I really wanted to make sugar cookies with Ruby this year and let her use sprinkles, red hots and those weird silver BB-looking things to decorate them when they came out the oven.  But then I picture the mess.  Sticky red and green sprinkles and silver BB's undigested in Ruby's poop.  No thanks.  So I came up with a fun way for her to decorate cookies and still maintain my sanity.  These gingerbread men covered in white icing are the perfect substrate for a toddler's natural artistic skills.  Set out the red and green icing bowls and unleash your toddler's artistic abilities.

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Orange Cardamom Pizzelle Recipe

Cardamom is one of my favorite spices.  The aromatic quality of cardamom just gets my senses all excited for fall, warm cookies and chai tea.  And these Orange Cardamom Pizzelles would be the perfect accompaniment to a steaming hot cup of Chai Tea Latte. Cook up a batch of these cookies and serve with tea on a cool crisp autumn day and you've got yourself a recipe for cozy!

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Whole Wheat Cinnamon and Spice Pizzelles

Pizzelles are a delicate round cookie that originated in Italy.  My grandparents immigrated from Italy and brought the traditional pizzelle cookie with them.  My mother has always had a pizzelle iron and has been making them since I was a kid, but they weren't always my favorite cookie as a child because they don't have a lot of sugar in them and are traditionally made with Anise.  As an adult, I LOVE them.  They are the perfect cookie to leisurely dunk in an after dinner coffee.  This year I'm hosting Christmas at my home.   As I was going over the cookie menu with my mom, I realized that I couldn't make pizzelles because I don't have an iron.  Two days later a Cuisinart Pizzelle Iron showed up on my doorstep in an Amazon box.  Mom's are so great, aren't they?  I couldn't wait to crack that sucker open and get started on some imaginative pizzelle recipes.  I made these whole wheat pizzelles for my daughter, and despite the healthy ingredients, they did turn out rather tasty.  But I'm not going to stop with this first batch of pizzelles because I've got visions of pizzelles recipes dancing in my head.  Roll them up and make cannolis?  Ice cream cups?  Orange cardamom pizzelles?  The possibilities are endless!

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Low Sugar Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

I've been looking for a way to get my picky one and half year old to eat a healthy breakfast that isn't limited to cheerios and apple juice.  She likes oatmeal but god forbid you try and take away an iota of autonomy from her by *gasp* spoon feeding it to her.  I have tried baking some of the oatmeal breakfast bars for babies I've seen online, but they are bit too crumbly and mushy and the taste is rather bland.  Cookies are pretty much a sure fire way to get any kid to eat so I came up with these low sugar oatmeal raisin cookies that look and taste like the real thing but are actually just a bowl of oatmeal dressed up in a cute little cookie outfit.  Even my cookie monster couldn't tell the difference and we had a very peaceful breakfast this morning sans the force feeding, screaming and food throwing.

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