Posts tagged Fall
How to Make a Cast Iron Roasted Chicken with Roasted Vegetables // With Video

How to Make a Roasted Chicken and Roasted Vegetable Dinner

It really doesn't get any better than a cast iron roasted chicken with a side of roasted vegetables on a cold wintery day.  I think it's my favorite dinner to make not just because it tastes like warmth and love and cozy cabins, but also because it takes so little effort to prepare.  We have a cabin in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York where we spend our weekends recuperating from the hectic city life and in our freezer we almost always have 2-3 organic whole chickens on hand.  We can pick up the chickens from our local butcher, Fleisher's, who sources organic local chickens year round.  The farm stand down the road keeps all the root vegetables that you can still get in the winter like squash, potatoes and onions.  So on any given winter weekend, you can pretty much count on the Miles family eating this dinner in some variation or another.

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Not your Mom's Hamburger Pie Recipe

Raise your hand if you grew up eating Hamburger Pie, the recipe no doubt selected from the 1970's guide-to-being-a-working-mom cookbook: Better Homes and Gardens.  I loved that recipe growing up.  That's why I kept all of the ingredients in tact and just made a few adjustments to the processed ingredients.  This Hamburger Pie Recipe made from scratch will bring you right back to the dinner table of your childhood.  And, it makes a great dish to take to a friend in need of a comforting home cooked meal.

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Orange Cardamom Pizzelle Recipe

Cardamom is one of my favorite spices.  The aromatic quality of cardamom just gets my senses all excited for fall, warm cookies and chai tea.  And these Orange Cardamom Pizzelles would be the perfect accompaniment to a steaming hot cup of Chai Tea Latte. Cook up a batch of these cookies and serve with tea on a cool crisp autumn day and you've got yourself a recipe for cozy!

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Chai Tea Latte (Just Like Starbucks)


The leaves are starting to change color, the air is getting crisp and the kiddos are back in school.  All of these cues are pointing to one conclusion:  my Starbucks Chai Tea Latte budget is about to go through the roof!  Luckily I've been toiling away in the kitchen stirring large pots of chai brews, concocting the perfect Starbucks fake.  After tossing the vats of homemade chai down the drain and deciding that an already made chai tea bags are just as tasty and much easier to make than mixing a thousand different spices together, I've perfected the quintessential fall drink.  I prefer vanilla soy creamer in my latte because I like the flavor better, but you could use regular cream and add a drop or two of vanilla extract.  Just remember that the soy creamer is sweetened so you may want to add more maple syrup if you use regular cream or milk.

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Katie MilesDrinks, Vegan, FallComment
Pumpkin and Maple Scones with a Molasses Glaze

Well, it's still colder than a witch's titty in brass bra (according to my husband) outside and I'm getting a little tired of being cooped up indoors all the time.  I did venture outside on Saturday with my husband and daughter for some sledding and a hike in the woods.  And, though it was nice to get some fresh air and say hello to the trees, I could only stand to be out there for about an hour.  After we came back in and got the fire going I was ready for a warm wintery baked good to nibble on.  This recipe was concocted from the ingredients I had in my cupboard because I was too lazy to drive to the store.  Still, they are some of the best scones I've ever eaten.  My husband and daughter loved them so much that they were gone by the end of the day and I had to exclaim that a delicious baked good is here today, but scone tomorrow ; )    

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Roasted Acorn Squash

One of my favorite things about fall and winter cooking is that you can roast just about any vegetable.  Getting the oven fired up for roasting just makes the house that much warmer and cozy and I love the smell of squash and root veggies roasted with spices and olive oil.  Here is a super easy recipe for roasted acorn squash:

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